As you’re evaluating the culture and effectiveness of your
leadership team, consider working through these questions
1. Has everyone in the room kept short accounts, or is there any unresolved personal tension
that needs to be dealt with?
Ephesians 4:26 says, “‘In your anger do not sin;’ Do not let the sun go down while you are still
2. Is there anything that we are doing as a church that we would not be excited about if we
were not on staff?
Manufacturing energy is one of the quickest ways to burn out as a leader.
3. Would we even attend this church if we were not on staff?
If not, then it’s serious gut check time as to whether it’s time to move on!
4. Is our goal to really focus on what needs to be done, or to get the meeting over with as
soon as possible, so we can get on with our individual agendas?
5. Are we resisting anything that God is leading us towards because it puts us in a very
uncomfortable place?
6. Are we moving towards complexity or simplicity?
7. Is there anything that is obvious to everyone else, but we are choosing to deny it because
dealing with it would force us to have uncomfortable conversations?