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#1 - Don’t Be Mad - whenever we preach

angry we do not draw people in but rather

push them away.

#2 - Don’t Use Guilt - guilt works in the

short term, but absolutely has devastating

results in the long term.

#3 - Don’t Stop Short (ask!) - the #1 reason

people in sales do not actually make a

sale is they simply do not ask. I would say

the primary reason so many people in the

church do not give is they have never been

asked to do so.

#4 - Make It Yours - there are messages I

preached in which the Lord used to bring

about amazing results, so, chew up the

meat, spit out the bones and make it your


four rules



This Sermon

On Giving:

(This is a message I preached in December of

2015. It was one of the most vulnerable messages

I had ever preached on the subject of giving and

generosity. However, it wasn’t just the message that

allowed us to accomplish our goal. We also had

a follow up plan in place as well. While messages

motivate; follow up is what matters the most.)

I began the message with this statement: “Today

is not a sermon but rather me asking you to go on

a journey with me.”

Have you ever felt alone? (Here is where you can

use an example of when you were a kid and got

lost, or when everyone in your family is out of town

and you are at home by yourself. Use something

that connects with people and gets them to lean in

and identify with you.)

The longer we stay in a season of loneliness, it

can lead us to feeling hopeless, and often times

cause us to play out scenarios in our minds that

will absolutely freak us out!

Over the past three years, as our church has

experienced historical growth, I’ve also had more

and more opportunities to speak and write. And

while I have become way more “known”, I have

never felt more alone.

(Yes, I actually did say this to my church. And

while your circumstances may look different

in regards to growth and/or opportunities, the

pressure you feel as a leader is not any less

significant—especially when it comes to raising

resources—you feel alone!)

I don’t say this to get you to feel sorry for me;

I say this to let you know that I know how you

feel. There are a lot of lonely people in this room

and that is magnified 1000x this time of year

(I preached this message at the beginning of







notes We are known by so many (social media) and yet

we feel so alone.

What leads to loneliness? Divorce, break up,

death in the family, new job, marriage, anxiety

& depression and the enemy wants you to think

you are THE ONLY ONE who has ever struggled

with these things. The purpose of that is so he can

isolate you. Because if he can isolate you, he can

destroy you! (This is why it is so important to not

just attend a church, but belong to one! People

say, “I hate to bother you with this,” but this is

the place where we should be able to do that!)

Christmas was given to us by God as a reminder

that WE ARE NOT ALONE. Matthew 1:23 says

that His name shall be Emmanuel, which means,


Everything in this season should point to Him and

to the fact that: Even when I feel alone, I am not


For me, this has become more and more real in

Psalm 46. Specifically, verses 1, 7 and 11. The

Lord is with us...and just because He seems silent,

does not mean He is absent.

I believe the Lord is with our church! We have

seen things happen that are incredible (this is

where you can really make it personal to your

specific church situation.)

However, recently I have felt alone and isolated

even in regards to our church & leading it.

(Which is totally my fault).

By the way, it was essential for me to say: “which

is totally my fault,” because had I not said it,

there would have been some people who could

have begun feeling guilty, or felt as if I were

attacking them.


notes Transition to the specific challenge I spoke about

in this particular message and while you may not

be able to use the specifics, you will be able to see

how it was constructed.

We announced the start of a Clemson campus in

May 2012.

Why was the Clemson campus so important?

Because as I began traveling to all of our other

campuses around the state -- at the time I

believe we had 15 in the state of South Carolina

-- and having conversations with people in our

church, asking them how they began coming to

NewSpring, there was a very high percentage of

people who would answer,“my son/daughter went

to Clemson and starting coming to NewSpring,

so as soon as you guys opened a campus here we

started going as well.”

At this point in the message I asked, “How many

people here went to Clemson?” (There were a lot

of hands that went up in the air. Then I asked,

“How many of you know someone who went to

Clemson?” (And about 80% of the hands in the

room went into the air!) The thought process

behind this was to get as many people not just to

see the need but to identify with it as well.

All of us know Jesus told us to take The Gospel

to the world; however, throughout this process, I

discovered Clemson is actually where He brings

the world to us.

With this in mind I wanted to share we have had


The first is actually finding a location.

On at least three separate occasions, we’ve

thought we had a place locked in only to see it

fall through for various reasons. We knew the


notes Lord really wanted us to be there so instead of

giving up we ramped up our efforts and we finally

found an unbelievable location in 2013. We began

making plans to build a worship facility on that


The way we were going to pay for it was “Step

Up!” (“Step Up” was a capital campaign we began.

I literally went to every campus and met with small

groups of people, and the entire campus in general

casting vision, about what the leadership felt like

the Lord was calling us to do as far as our campus

expansion. And after casting vision and asking

our people to step up and have a part in this,

the church responded with $40 million dollars in


Since we launched “Step Up” we’ve were able to

see the Lord do some incredible things:

• Our Myrtle Beach campus moved from a

portable facility to a permanent facility.

• Our Charleston campus moved from a

portable facility to a permanent facility.

• Our Florence campus moved from a

portable facility to a permanent facility.

In addition to this, we were also able to launch

three addition campuses: Boiling Springs,

Powdersville and another in Lexington.

Also, we were able to pour into missions unlike

never before! Here, I shared the stats about how

the Lord had allowed us to partner with churches

overseas and assist with them launching

campuses all over the globe.

It really has been an incredible journey.

However, this leads to our second challenge


notes We are going to fall short of the $40 million that

was pledged. In fact, we are on pace to take in

around $23 million.

(Let me pause here and say when I shared this

information, I did so with a compassionate, not

condemning tone. I shared with them the reasons

why I felt like we fell short. The main one being

that I did not do a good enough job at keeping the

vision in front of everyone. In my opinion, it’s the

biggest mistake we make as leaders in a capital

campaign. We do an awesome job of launching

it - but have an issue with actually sustaining it

because we want to move on to the next thing.)

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to discover that

40 minus 23 equals 17...In other words, we have a

$17 million shortfall.

However, the good news is that giving in regards

to our regular offerings have actually increased.

And our finances team has done an incredible

job of managing budgets and making sure we are

spending every dollar wisely.

In addition to this, our leadership team has

worked tirelessly with the construction contractor

and has been able to significantly reduce the cost

of construction without compromising the vision.

The bottom line is: we need $3 million dollars to

complete the Clemson campus.

“Three million dollars is A LOT of money.” I

thought when the figures first came in.

I felt so alone when I found out. Honestly, if I had

$3 million, I would give it. Why? Because I have

personally seen the impact our church has had on

Clemson students (here I took the time to share

some specific examples.)


notes I know what a difference our church is going to

make in Clemson.

And I desperately want us to break through this

stronghold that has up until this point, kept us

all so discouraged in our efforts to finally get a

campus in Clemson.

Just this week, I was reading Matthew 7:7-8

where Jesus said, “7 “Ask and it will be given

to you; seek and you will find; knock and the

door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone

who asks receives; the one who seeks finds;

and to the one who knocks, the door will be


After I read this text, I asked God for $3 million

dollars and I really felt like He told me to get up

here today and ask you for it.

(Let me pause and say I am VERY careful with

statements like this - I will not say, “God told me”

unless I feel He has confirmed it over and over

again so when I said this there wasn’t a doubt in

my mind the Lord had spoken this to my heart, it

was the truth!)

I have not done anything to this magnitude since

late summer of 2001 when our church needed

$45,000 to move from a building that sat 150 to

a facility that sat 1,100. We were able to raise a

large amount of that money (and had to borrow

the rest) - and in the facility we moved into we

went from 315 our first Sunday there to averaging

over 4,000 in less than three years.

In other words, once we had the space to grow, we

grew (which meant more people met Jesus, which

I always believe is a good thing!)

So, today I am asking big again. I want everyone

at every campus today to begin to pray about

what the Lord would have you do financially


notes towards our three million dollar goal. We are

calling it our, “Clemson For Christmas Offering.”

Keep in mind that right now, the University of

Clemson is doing $176 million in renovations, as

well as new athletic facilities. Let me pause and

say: I am NOT against them having new and nicer

facilitates. I can actually remember the very first

football game my dad took me to over there. (Here

I took the time to actually show the ticket stub

I’ve managed to keep for years as well as let them

know what the weather was like that well

as the score of the game!)

Now if this is what I remember about a football

game in 1984 -- one that Clemson lost by the way

-- then what are people going to remember about

a place where eternities are impacted, where

prodigals come home, and where people who feel

broken down and used up actually find hope in


Here’s the deal: we can do this. We are not alone.

Three million dollars is NOT A LOT if ALL OF US

will do whatever we can.

At this point, I read Psalm 46, and followed it up

with a video of people who had been impacted as

a Clemson student while our band played the song

by Shane & Shane, “Psalm 46—Lord of Hosts” - it

was one of the most powerful worship moments

I’ve ever experienced.

At the conclusion of the service, I brought it back

to how none of us need to feel alone.

Side Note: We didn’t raise $3 million that

December. We actually raised $3.2 million,

construction on the Clemson campus was able to

continue and it officially opened less than a year



notes Follow up is HUGE! We made sure to design a

follow up campaign that included social media

and email reminders so people could see the need

and ne invited to become a part of the journey.

Follow up is EVERYTHING after a message like

this. You can see how to put together a follow

up campaign with our free resource entitled,

“Christmas Offering PDF” – which is absolutely


In Building a Generous Culture, Perry

Noble shares the insights, lessons,

and strategies that helped him grow

his church annual church budget from

$48,000 to $63,000,000 in just 16 years!

You can purchase this full resource for

only $99 (a 33% savings!) using the promo

code GIVE18.

(*Offer expires July 31st, 2018)

When you purchase Building a Generous

Culture, you’ll get 4 teaching videos from

Perry Noble on:

• A strategy for growing your budget


• Developing a long-term strategy to

build a generous church culture.

• A video overview of this sermon

• Discover five fears associated with

preaching on giving, and how to

overcome them.

• A theological outline to help you

unleash your people from financial

bondage to financial and spiritual


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