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Thanks! We appreciate your eagerness to help!

We aim to strengthen the Universal Church by strengthening its Leadership through divine strategy and collaboration. You and your contribution are vital to our success. 

Though our service is mainly directed at Christian leaders, the team consists of volunteers of every category.


Ways to get involved:

  • Pray

  • Give

  • Membership (Partnership)

  • Volunteer


Our members are our partners. Membership is free but your active participation is expedient because we grow (like the body of Christ grows), by the willing contribution of individuals.

Membership gives you access to all our resources and services


Let's put heads together. Can you empower the church with your service, knowledge and skill? and its leaders? We are always looking to strengthen the Church and strongly believe in collaboration. Do get in touch.



Sign up to be a volunteer. Even a few hours just giving a hand, helps in establishing and furthering this work. We have very limited staff to keep our costs down and committed volunteers are the main strength of our team.

Keeping informed is a great way of benefiting from our work. Get motivated as you grow and connect people to the word of God. Staying connected and

up-to-date is easy, just subscribe to our Quarterly e-newsletter.

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