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#1 - Don’t Be Mad - whenever we preach

angry we do not draw people in but rather

push them away.

#2 - Don’t Use Guilt - guilt works in the

short term, but absolutely has devastating

results in the long term.

#3 - Don’t Stop Short (ask!) - the #1 reason

people in sales do not actually make a

sale is they simply do not ask. I would say

the primary reason so many people in the

church do not give is they have never been

asked to do so.

#4 - Make It Yours - there are messages I

preached in which the Lord used to bring

about amazing results, so, chew up the

meat, spit out the bones and make it your


four rules



This Sermon

On Giving:

(Before we get into this message, let me clarify this

was a very different message for me. I normally

love taking a passage of Scripture and really

diving into it. However, for this particular message

I used multiple passages of Scripture. In fact, I

did a lot less preaching and a lot more reading

with comments I felt I needed to interject. I was

incredibly nervous about this approach... however,

looking back, it was one of the most talked

about and acted upon giving messages we ever

experienced in the history of our church.)

I opened the message by riding a Harley Davidson

motorcycle onto the stage. All over the stage I had

“nice” things: name brand jeans, handbags, golf

clubs; things I knew many people in the church

had. I walked around and talked about how

awesome these things were and then I asked the

question, “Is it wrong for a Christian to have nice

things?” (Yes, it was tense!)

For clarification purposes, I want everyone to

know I am not talking about the tithe today. I

believe the tithe is both Biblical and beneficial.

What I want to talk about today is going to the

next level when it comes to giving and generosity.

Jesus challenged us to go to next level in

everything. The Old Testament said don’t commit

adultery AND to go along with that, Jesus said

don’t even THINK about it.

The Old Testament said don’t kill AND to go along

with that, Jesus said to not even harbor anger and

bitterness in your heart.

Being a follower of Jesus doesn’t mean we give

Him our leftovers or our scraps. It means offering

Him our very best in every area of our lives. So

today we’re going to talk about a holistic view

of generosity. Just to emphasize: I’m not talking

about giving the 10% today, I’m talking about

how we handle the other 90%.






notes I believe in order for us to truly be generous

people we need to realize three things...

#1 – Realize What We’ve Got

I Timothy 6:17

Notice Scripture says, “who are rich.” Some are

saying, “that isn’t me.” But wait, let’s look at the

way some of us spend our money.

At this point you can get really practical and

say, “you might be rich if your car has a house

(garage), you have pay more than $5 for a coffee

drink, you have upgraded to a new product even

though there was nothing wrong with your old

one, you’ve looked in your closet full of clothes

and said, “I have nothing to wear.”

(A resource you can use here is go to www. put in an amount of money a

person makes per year and it will actually show

where that salary ranks as far as percentages in

the world!)

Notice that the Bible does not tell us to repent for

having nice things; however, it does say NOT to

put our hope into wealth...but God.

You see, I have a nice car, home, bed but my hope

isn’t in those things!

Is it to have a nice car? No, BUT it is wrong to get

caught up in those things.

For some, it’s like a status symbol (remember

when Members Only jackets came out?) For some

here today, if you were to wreck your car or if

your house burned down you would be absolutely

devastated because that is where your hope and

identity are.


notes Jesus said then most important command is love

God/others—not ourselves.

The Bible is full of wealthy people—nothing

wrong with money—it’s how you handle it.

Jesus gives us a picture of those who put hope in

“stuff” in Luke 12:13-21, big barns were not the

problem, greed was! (Here I just read through the

story, made a few comments and moved onto the

next point.)

#2 – Realize What Is Expected

None of us like it when we perceive someone

else to be greedy. Here, I shared an example of

dating a girl once and she suggesting us splitting

a dessert; which was an AWESOME idea until she

ate more than half of it!

1 Timothy 6:18 says we are to be generous.

Generosity is not just some random idea,

but rather a theme we see all throughout the

Scriptures. Let’s look at some examples:

Exodus 22:29 – In this text, we are told to not

hold back our offerings. The reason we were able

to build this facility is because so many people

took God at His Word, did not hold back, and now

we have something that really is immeasurably

more than all we could ask or imagine.

Has the Lord ever asked you to give a radical gift?

If He did ask, would you?

I’ve had people tell me throughout the years,

“Pastor, if I had a million dollars I would give

it all to the church.” It didn’t take me long to

realize people are quick to project what they

might do with what they do not have. My

response soon became, “well, you obviously don’t


notes have a million, but do you have a thousand, or

even a hundred?” Often times this would shut

the conversation down because they DID have the

latter but were hesitant to actually give it.

Let me be very clear: I am NOT asking anyone to

give out of guilt. Guilt is a horrible motivator. I am

simply asking: are you open to being generous?

Leviticus 19:9-10 – Here, the Bible says not to

use all we’ve got, that we should leave some for

the less fortunate.

However, one of the major problems in our

country today is not only have we not left any but

have actually gone and borrowed more. So much

so that whenever there is talk about finances, our

stress level begins to rise.

(This is an INCREDIBLE place to pause and

highlight any sort of financial coaching or Bible

study such as “I Was Broke, Now I’m Not” or

“Financial Peace.” Anytime we can give people

practical tools that go beyond Sunday - it’s a

major win!)

Deuteronomy 15:7-11 – I personally wrestle with

this one because there are SO MANY people who

are begging for money that are either con-artists,

or who could actually work but are simply lazy.

However, the Lord changed my heart on this

several years ago, reminding me that just as

people don’t know my whole story, I don’t know

the story of the person asking for money.

So, instead of looking the other direction,

pretending I don’t seem them (we’ve all done it)

or just saying “no” and continue to walk away—I

pause as ask God, “is this someone you want

me to give to?” Sometimes the answer is yes,

sometimes it’s no. Sometimes I give them money,

sometimes I buy them food. My responsibility in


notes this situation is not to lecture them - but to simply

be obedient to Jesus and let Him take it from


Luke 3:7-14 – In this text we see John the Baptist

teaching about how to be a follower of Jesus, and

all three things he says has to do with money.

(Jesus said something about our treasure and our

hearts being connected in Matthew 6:21).

With this in mind - let me ask, what can you give

away this week? What do you have plenty of that

you could literally bless someone with? Once

again, I am not saying having plenty of something

is wrong - the question I am asking is are you

willing to hold what you have in an open hand

and say, “Lord, this isn’t mine, it’s Your’s - use it

as You will.”

Matthew 25:31-46

Sheep and goats, what separated them?

Generosity and greed! What if we, as individuals

AND as a church, were known for our generosity?

Here I recommended something as simple as

randomly paying for the person’s order behind

you in the drive thru line - and people actually

did it the following week - the stories we heard

were remarkable!

Maybe you find out someone has lost their job -

and you put $100 in an envelope and leave it in

their mailbox.

Doing things like this not only have a profound

impact on them - it has an ever greater impact on

us—because, when we give we are becoming more

like Jesus.


notes #3 – Realize That Giving Is The Key To Living

I Timothy 6:19

Once again, I am not teaching health and wealth

here (I always made this very clear) - however, I

believe the Scriptures clearly say that the reason

the Lord blesses us with more is so we can give


2 Corinthians 9:11

There is something about being generous that

changes everything! (Here you can include

a personal story about when someone did

something generous for you that significantly

impacted you.)

I remember preaching a revival for a really

small church in West Virginia when I first began

ministry. The church was full each night;

however, the community was one of the poorest

economically I had ever seen.

Every night before I would get up to preach they

would make announcements, ask for prayer

requests and then take up an offering. (I was

puzzled as to what the offering was for.)

The last night of the revival as I was getting ready

to drive home, the deacon (yep, one deacon) in

the church handed me an envelope full of cash. I

asked him, “what is this” and he replied, “this is

the love offering we took up for you all week!”

Tears filled my eyes and I told him, “there is no

way I can take this?”

“We would be tremendously insulted if you

didn’t,” he said.

The total amount was $276 - I will never forget

it, not because of the amount, but because of the


notes people’s desire to be generous.

Something about being generous—when I bought

five boxes of girl scout cookies, time in W. VA

when they took up love offering...this week when

go to grocery store—buy a grocery card & put it in

plate next weekend—and THIS IS NOT your tithe!

Luke 19:1-10

Notice when Zack met Jesus all of his “stuff”

became less important to him.

So, when it comes to our “stuff” what would you

be willing to do with it? Is there something you

are holding onto that Jesus is asking you to get go


Remember - greed has never made the world a

better place, but generosity is demonstrated in

His amazing grace.

From here you can determine how you want to

end the service. Some ideas...

• Challenge people to put God first in their


• Challenge people to leave a HUGE tip if

they go out to eat after church

• Challenge people to buy a gift card at the

grocery store that week - and bring it and

put it in the offering the following wee so

it can be used in the benevolence ministry

for the church.

• And - as always - challenge people to give

their lives to Christ.

In Building a Generous Culture, Perry

Noble shares the insights, lessons,

and strategies that helped him grow

his church annual church budget from

$48,000 to $63,000,000 in just 16 years!

You can purchase this full resource for

only $99 (a 33% savings!) using the promo

code GIVE18.

(*Offer expires July 31st, 2018)

When you purchase Building a Generous

Culture, you’ll get 4 teaching videos from

Perry Noble on:

• A strategy for growing your budget


• Developing a long-term strategy to

build a generous church culture.

• A video overview of this sermon

• Discover five fears associated with

preaching on giving, and how to

overcome them.

• A theological outline to help you

unleash your people from financial

bondage to financial and spiritual


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