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Its amazing how God the father operates in conjunction with man throughout the bible. His collaboration with man to bring about his right(eous) will is illustrated in his association with Noah, Abraham, the Judges, Kings, Prophets and the everyday people in the Acts of the apostles. The Lord's miracles and salvation through man's history, has mostly been borne out of this man+God collaboration: -the parting of the red sea by Moses acting -the ark by Noah - Even when manna rained down 6 days a week, the people were required to pick it up at God's given period. In every example, God has worked through people who trusted ("foolish" by society's standard) enough to follow his directions and instructions. Same through Jesus- the people mostly had to ACT according to his instructions even when they apparently do not make sense to get healed viz: a paralyzed man instructed to pick up his mat and go. God has chosen in his wisdom to mostly operate with man on this earth. This is important knowledge for us because we sometimes expect answers to prayers or miracles to just 'fall on us' without any God-inspired action on our part and so delay our own results. Don't get me wrong, He is GOD and can choose to do whatever he likes however he likes, but the things written in the bible are for our learning of his ways. Rom15:4. This power to DO is in God's word and it is activated by his Holy Spirit -our helper. Acting on the word is where the blessing (i.e. power to prosper and advance) lies. The Apostle James puts it this way: "But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do".James 1:25 NIV And Jesus our rabbi (teacher) and Lord had this to say when told his family was waiting to see him: “My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice.”Luke 8:21 NIV

So, collaborate with God to establishing his good will in your world and life - ACT.

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