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Top Four Things That Paralyze A Leader

Here are the top four areas that paralyze us and truth to help

us get back up:

1. FEAR OF MAN (See Proverbs 29:25)

It is IMPOSSIBLE to please everyone (Galatians 1:10)! We know we are dealing with “fear of

man” issues when we:

● Feel the need to respond every time someone attacks

● Get our “major insight” from @ replies and Facebook comments

● Allow the comments we receive (usually online) to dictate our mood

● Prepare a sermon and ask, “Is this going to make people feel comfortable” rather than

asking, “Is this really what the Lord is burning into my heart?”


One of the biggest mistakes a leader can make is to assume that being a leader means you

must have all of the answers—and when you don’t have the answers then make something


Being a leader means surrounding yourself with people who know what you do not know

and then creating an environment where they are free to say what needs to be said.

(Unfortunately, some leaders cannot do this because they are more obsessed with their

image rather than actually doing the right thing!)


If you haven’t screwed up at some point, then you’re not leading well. Leaders take risks, and

with some risks come reward while others provide us with an “educational experience.” The

tragedy in making a wrong decision isn’t actually in making the wrong decision but rather in

the unwillingness to admit a decision was wrong and then do what it takes to make it right.


I cannot tell you the number of times I have personally been paralyzed as a leader because I

would look at someone else and think, “I will never be as good as them; why should I even

try?” I honestly think this is one of the main weapons the enemy uses in his arsenal of

WMD’s! We should always learn from other leaders, but we must never allow the measure of

our success as a leader to be based on how the Lord chooses to bless other people.

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