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Thank you

I had a tough day yesterday but I am grateful for the opportunity of further insight it gave me. I want to express my profound thanks to those of you who have always genuinely cared about me. Thank you.

Above that, my heart is filled with immense gratitude to our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of his Holy Spirit to communicate truth despite the frailties of his human vessels. I thank him for those leaders in his body who with sincerity of heart hear this truth despite the noisy atmosphere and (sometimes) crudity of the messenger. The Lord you serve with wholehearted devotion is your reward. Our commitment to the Lord and his work this year can only increase. Never will it diminish. Our eyes are fastened on Him who is our rock and our continuous source of life. We will do great things for him and to the glory of His Name. Amen.

I want to thank the Alpha Trust (UK) and all the teachers and staff that lead the schools within that trust. Their care for the children in the schools is nothing but exceptional. I am grateful for the opportunities my children are exposed to.

I attended their school production of 'Oliver' yesterday and was blown away by the performance of the cast and orchestra - nothing short of EXCELLENT.

However, the scenes of violence faced by 'Nancy' from her lover Bill Sykes both physically and especially psychologically hit home very hard and I realised once more that my work would never be complete without an active contribution to stop psychological violence and the diminishing of women. I owe it not just to my daughters, nor just to the girls in the Alpha Trust schools but to every female human made in the image of the Almighty YHWH. The psychology of abuse is complex but the pain and damage are very real - in both the male and female victims.

I will seek Talk therapy because it works and I need it. Plus, I see the very urgent need to de-stigmatise mental health issues. This is particularly necessary in the Church. It would help so much for leaders to understand the way the mind works (not with assumptions) and the impact of actions and words not just in the spirit realm but on the mind. I know from experience that talk therapy as a provision of God helps a lot. Ultimately, nothing and no one heals like a relationship with Jesus Christ our Saviour. He is not a set of rules and regulations. Neither is he a set of goals and achievements. He like His Father, YHWH, is a real personality and cares ever so deeply and makes all provisions for our wholeness.

To my Luis Palau Evangelistic Association family, thank you so much for your devotion to God's mission and commitment to the United Kingdom as well as the many other countries outlined for the move of God's love this year. You know I truly love and believe in you. And to my local (Gather Movement) and the International Movement Day family, this is our year to unite and train more Leaders for His Mission like never before. I encourage all church and Christian leaders to sign up with these movements.

Our dear Pastor Deola Phillips of the Healing Streams, the Lord will heal all nations through us this year, Amen!

Revitalisation Trust, NewWine and Alpha may we reach our nation and all the Western world with the truth of Christ which has the power to transform for all eternity. Jesus is counting on us. He is our ability. Amen.

My heart is deeply with the Changed Movement because of the intense love the Father has for those they represent. Jesus is always the answer; His way is the only way to true life and fulfilment.

The 'Bible Project' is the Lord's resource center for his Body as is the '24-7 Prayer' movement, and the Israel Bible Center. And for the UK, make ensure you and your Church are registered for the Spring holiday at Spring Harvest. The family will be refreshed and energised body, spirit and soul for all God has in store this year. I know because I attend and will be there again this year!

A massive thank you to our CBN and CitizenGo 'Watchmen' for continuing to watch, and protect the rights of all of God's people according to His will. I am with you always.

Mercy UK, has launched THE BIG CHRISTIAN MENTAL HEALTH CAMPAIGN, which as I said earlier is very important. Please click the link to find out more.

Here I come, Mercy UK


''Under his control, the whole body is being fitted and held together by the support of every joint, with each part working to fulfill its function; this is how the body grows and builds itself up in love.'' Ephesians 4:16 CJB

''...because I am Adonai your healer'' Exodus 15:26 CJB

'' If we are “out of our mind,” as some say, it is for God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.'' 2 Corinthians 5:13-15 NIV

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