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“When leaders in Isra’el dedicate themselves,

and the people volunteer,

you should all bless Adonai.'' Judges 5:2 CJB

Nothing is as beautiful as the people of God coming together in unison to build with one vision and aim - The Glory of God!

As the darkness of the wars and sufferings of so many in the world at present seem so overwhelming, God's call to the citizens of His Kingdom on earth is Arise, SHINE! Now is the time to raise up as his people! His word is:

“Jerusalem, ·get up [arise] and shine, because your light has come,

and the glory of the Lord shines on you.

2 [L Look; T Behold] Darkness ·now covers [or will cover] the earth;

deep darkness covers ·her people [the nations].

But the Lord shines on you,

and people see his glory [C his manifest presence] ·around [upon] you.

3 Nations will come to your light;

kings will come to ·the brightness of your sunrise [or your radiance].

4 “[L Lift up your eyes and] Look around you.

People are gathering and coming to you.

Your sons are coming from far away,

and your daughters are ·coming with them [or carried on the hip; or nursed at their side; or escorted by guardians].

5 When you see them, you will ·shine with happiness [L shine; be radiant];

you will be excited and ·full of joy [L your heart will swell/enlarge],

because the wealth of the nations across the seas will be given to you;

the riches of the nations will come to you.'' Isaiah 60 EXB

Now is the time to get up and give wisdom, be light, point the way, bring wholeness, open the gates of righteousness and let his sons and daughters come in.

His heart delights to see his Kingdom come as we take our place giving hope, light and truth in place of the darkness. Simultaneously all around the globe, leaders are rising, as ambassadors of YHWH's kingdom to this world and raising people to be active in this diplomatic mission of reconciling men back to their creator.  Lift up your eyes and look around you, see the opportunity, and take your place. These are exciting times to be God's Child.

There are so many opportunities and tools available in the Kingdom to enable and equip us to fulfil this role. If they are not immediately available where you are, look online or please join yourself with other ministries and work together for the common good of reaching this world with the Kingdom life. Let us Collaborate!


When leaders lead in Israel,

When the people willingly offer themselves, [it leads to shouts of ]

Bless the Lord!

The times and seasons of our world both naturally and spiritually are ordained of the Lord. Nothing is a coincidence. I implore you not to be distracted by the gloom but to hear the call of God in your spirit to ARISE! And to cause the Church to arise. Now is the time to tell all about the saving grace of our Lord and now the doors are open for all to come to the light of YHWH - the source of all Truth and light.



Reignite the heart of evangelism in your church with this FREE 8-part video course, full of inspiring stories and actionable challenges from 18 amazing contributors.

Reignite the healing virtue and faith for wholeness in your Church with the Healing Streams Live Healing Services With Pastor Chris on Friday 27th - Sunday 29th October 2023

Participate in being the hands and feet of hope by giving practical aid to displaced people in Jerusalem. in collaboration with Operation Blessing:

Prayerfully explore other opportunities with local churches and organizations around you.

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