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7 Temptations Leaders Face

1. Wasting Time

We live in a world where it is easier to waste time than it ever has been before. Comment

wars on blogs, tweeting arguments, browsing through random Facebook pages, and

numerous other things can absolutely distract us from what we were put on this planet to


By the way, I don’t think the world will EVER be changed because of the comment section

on a blog!

2. Cruise Control

Leadership is exhausting, and so we must constantly battle the desire to just allow things to

be the way they are. This mentality will put us on course towards an iceberg that will sink

even the largest ship! (“I won’t ever let go, Jack!”)

3. Excuse Making

When a problem/difficult situation arises we can either deal with it or simply excuse it away.

And people who make excuses rarely make a difference because they are way more

obsessed with doing what is easy rather than doing what is right.

4. Being Passive

This is a cousin of number three, but passivity has no place in leadership. Ignoring a problem

does not make it go away; in fact, it often makes it become larger and, in many cases,

overwhelming. If a problem comes to your attention DEAL WITH IT, don’t deny it. God

brought it to your attention because you are the leader, and you are the one called to make

the tough decision.

5. Copying

We should NEVER be ashamed of borrowing ideas from others! I honestly feel that there

really aren’t any original ideas on the planet—and even if the idea is “original” that person was

given the idea from the Holy Spirit, so it actually isn’t original in the first place. However,

when we build a ministry based on the imitation of others rather than revelation from God

we do so out of laziness, and God NEVER honors laziness.

6. Meaningless Fights

Someone IS going to attack your church/ministry, and one of the easiest ways to get

sidetracked is to begin to fight with people who don’t know you, care about you, or care

about your church.

7. Playing It Safe

When a leader stops taking risks because there is too much to lose, he is closer to losing

everything than he actually realizes. We don’t follow a Savior who played it safe, if He said,

“Take up your cross and follow me,” then we need to understand that sacrifice and risk WILL

be involved if we want to go where He is leading.

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